Last week on Instagram I showed you in my instal-stories that I made the easiest vegan mozzarella cheese. It literally takes not even 10 minutes to make and it’s a great replacement for those meals you want to add some stretchy cheese and store bought just doesn’t cut it.
Secret ingredient: Tapioca flour. This is what gives it that stretchy consistency that we all look for when we buy plant-based cheese. A lot of them from the stores really don’t stretch that much and I know I usually have to get creative. So not only does this have a melty, gooey, stretchy consistency like “the real thing” it tastes absolutely amazing and it’s cruelty free. It’s a win all across the board.
The base of this cheese is cashews. Please don’t roll your eyes at me just yet. I know, I too do an eye roll when I come across yet another cheese made from cashews, but as regular dairy milk always comes from cows expect a lot of cheeses in the vegan world to be made with some sort of nut, especially the good ole cashew. Point is, this doesn’t taste like cashews. If I didn’t tell you it had cashews in it you probably wouldn’t even know. You would most likely beg the question “How the hell did you make this it tastes so freakin’ good”, then obviously I would tell you.
To keep this as fresh as possible you can store in the fridge in an air tight container until you’re ready to use it. I’ve only stored it once because usually when I make it, it goes right into a dish, like eggplant parm or spinach dip, one of the two. You can also use this on sandwiches like a Vegan BLT or yummy vegan pizzas.
When this first comes together it’s a very watery type liquid. Then as it heats up it becomes super thick. You can lessen the thickness of it by adding a little more water or even some almond milk. So if you do decide to store it, all you have to do to get it back to it’s stretchy wonderful self is just reheat it and add some sort of liquid as I mentioned.
Here’s a quick video of how easy it is to make Vegan Mozzarella Cheese!
When I first came across this recipe it was on Pinterest. It was pinned thousands and thousands of times and I knew I had to try it. I hadn’t yet discovered adding tapioca flour to the cheeses I make already, but since stumbling upon this I add it to some cheeses for that stretchy consistency. I don’t add it all the time but in some dishes and meals you kinda just need all that messy goodness.
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Recipe adapted from itdoesnttastelikechicken*