Meet Jenn

Author – Psychic Medium – Reiki Master
Long story short…
I am Jenn- part mom, part neurotic, lifelong Intuitive, Psychic, Medium and Reiki Master, Oracle Reader, Tarot Reader, Certified Crystal Healer, Certified Trance Healer, and Yoga Certified.
I am a champion of self-healing through nutrition, mindset, and self-care. A Holistic Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I have been named one of the Top Plant-Based Instagram Foodies for Inspiration and Passion by Thrive Magazine.
In 2012, I started my blog NeuroticMommy ( as an Instagram photo-journal where I shared plant-based recipes and holistic lifestyle tips.
My success story started with my self-transformation. From high anxiety, depression, lack of self-worth, not feeling good enough to becoming a self-assured woman and mom.
All thanks to motherhood…
Mommy-hood changed my life. Or should I say my sons saved my life!
With my first son, I gave up smoking (two packs a day- Crazy, right?)
With my second son, I learned to accept my gifts, and embrace my true self.
Of course, I juggle everyday… And, NeuroticMommy is my platform for all moms slash jugglers and self-acclaimed neurotics. Together, we will rant about life, find balance and harmony in our days, and empower each other.
Short Story Long…
I am an amusingly anxious mom, wife, self-taught organic plant-based cook, Author, and Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHHC), and just like you, striving to find balance while juggling it all. But I wasn’t always this way…
Since I was 4 years old, I had gifts that helped me connect with angels and spirits.
I was a medium, yet I was afraid. The fear of the ‘unknown’ and the ‘unleashed’ kept me from embracing my gifts.
But it was inevitable. With time, my senses became stronger and I couldn’t ignore them anymore. At last, I accepted them as a part of my being. With diligence, patience, and developmental training, I gained a deeper understanding of my energies. I learned how to communicate with angels, spirits, and guides.
From hearing their words and feeling their sensations and emotions to channeling them to others, I have fully embraced my gifts. I know it is very private to read for someone, and therefore, I hold my abilities and responsibilities with the utmost respect and integrity.
I offer medium and psychic readings, angel card readings, healing sessions such as Reiki and Trance Healing, Chakra cleansing, and cord-cutting. I offer private sessions and group sessions as well. I use the Oracle and Tarot as a tool of guidance and confirmation.
My goal is to help you connect with those who have departed, and offer psychic guidance in a warm, respectful, and relaxed style.
As a healer, and a plant-based food enthusiast, I believe that health and well-being are about mind, body, and spirit. I create easy-to-follow plant-based recipes to help you nourish your body and spirit as you heal.
My love for plant-based food brought me to the world of food and lifestyle writing.
Divorced parents, dysfunctional family, difficult childhood- you name it, I have seen it!
Dumped while undergoing a miscarriage in an emergency room by a long-term boyfriend…
Sexually assaulted by a stranger, sexually assaulted by someone I knew…
Watched my Grandmother die from brain cancer…
Watched my close friend die of breast cancer…
I have been through a lot!
There was a time when I was furthest from being healthy…
I was anxious (and neurotic).
I was always afraid of the dark, planes, and porcelain dolls (creepy music in the background).
My first panic attack shook me…
My uncontrolled anxiety terrified me…
I got pregnant with twins. (Got more anxious).
Lost one in a miscarriage. (Grew more worried).
Gained 80 pounds during my first pregnancy. (Felt more terrible).
Enters insecurities and hopelessness!
I brought my baby home—my anxiety worsened!
I worried about every single thing—and went into depression!
All Mamas are overprotective, but it got to a point for me where I was afraid to leave my house in fear something would happen to my baby or myself.
The fear was real. I became a prisoner of my own mind.
I was determined to change!
I saw doctors, I saw psychiatrists, I looked for ways to help myself not only for me but for my son.
For me the miracle didn’t fall from the sky, it fell from watching a documentary on YouTube. Genetic Roulette was one doorway that led to many, and that led me to new life changing ways. Real ways of living that I never knew about.
For me, my sons became my saviors!
They helped me pull myself out fear, of self-doubt, and low self-esteem. They’ve given me the aspiration to want to bring positive changes in my life.
I embraced healthy living for my wellbeing, and my son’s.
I knew I had to fight depression, anxiety, and the extra weight (in body and mind) by helping my mind. Once I did that the physical weight fell off and true healing began. That part of me is still a work in progress but I tell myself I love you now and I look at my body with gratitude and appreciation.
My inner dialogue is one of compassion and love.
After that, magically (yet not so easily), everything started to click!
It was as if the Universe gave me the tools to help me with my issues. I have healed parts of my past that I never would have imagined and again, I’m healing everyday.
Little by little, one by one, I educated myself about healthy, plant-based substitutes. I replaced the junk in my life with healthier options.
That’s when:
Ice cream became nice cream (banana ice cream).
I went to school and became a Certified Holistic Health Coach.
I went to college and earned my BS in Health Sciences.
All this learning and training helped me swap my negativity with positive energy.
It helped me trade my stress with success!
And, that’s what I want for you…
NeuroticMommy is for every mom who feels anxious, depressed, stressed, unattractive, and insufficient.
Honestly, I started it to hold myself accountable and to continue making healthy changes in my life.
But with time (and your support), the blog took a life of it’s own.
Many moms joined me and shared their struggles with everyone. I realized I wasn’t alone. I realized others were struggling just as I was. And, I realized that my journey, my struggles, and my transformation could make a difference in someone’s life.
Each day, more moms join us…
To learn…
To heal…
To be inspired…
To be empowered…
And to adopt a healthier lifestyle…
Together, in the haven of NeuroticMommy, we share…
Our struggles
Our insecurities
Our fears
Our failures
Our fear of failure…
Together, through the empowering platform of NeuroticMommy, we strive…
To find peace
To seek balance
To gain strength
And to live life fully.
As a believer in a holistic lifestyle and as a healer, I share my authentic, 100% true, real-life self with my readers.
For me, it’s not just a passion or profession…
For me it is life!
I have found that healing others heals me!
What started as solely a food journal has led me to my purpose.
Join me to reclaim your energy, your confidence, your true, healthy, and happy self!
When people lose someone, they are scared to reach out…
They fear their attempt to connect will result in gloom or doom.
That’s not what I do…
My gifts attract light and help people seek positive answers and constructive information.
I help teach others how to heal deeply.
If you have lost someone you loved, let me help you connect with them. Let me help you bring their message to them.
If you are a mom looking for support from other like-minded moms, connect with us at NeuroticMommy.
I look forward to hearing your story!
Click here if you’d like to collaborate or partner with NeuroticMommy…