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Holistic Nutrition


Holistic Nutrition

Holistic Health/Nutrition is an approach to wellness as a whole. Instead of just focusing on a specific illness or disease, a holistic path will aim to get to the root cause of any existing problems and will help prevent future ones. The focus is on mind, body, and spirit, not just the physical body.

During my studies on holistic health and health sciences, so far I’ve learned that the body is a huge machine made up of systems. Each system works together cohesively with the other so the body functions as it should. If one system is out of order, it will cause a ripple effect for other systems to not function properly.

Holistic Nutrition

The whole logic behind holistic approaches or alternative medicine is that you cannot mask one ailment and expect the entire problem to be fixed. Whole foods for example, made from as close to the earth as possible help prevent our bodies from disease but also help fight against disease, obesity, free radicals and other environmental issues. Eating real foods, that are minimally processed (or not processed at all) will aid in achieving overall health. It’s a work in progress as everyday poses new challenges for us. Ideally we all want to prevent any thing that can disrupt our lives in a negative way whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. So aim for balance, not perfection. And step away from the processed cookies 🙂