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Mother Realm - Protected + Divinely Guided Candle

SKU 00061
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Mother Realm - Protected + Divinely Guided Candle

Product Details


The Mother Realm Candle of the Mother Realm Collection is the one leading the way enveloping and clearing you in it's protection of Palo Santo.

Upon lighting this candle you will be connected to all that is. Connected to your Spirit Guides and Higher Self. Connected to Mother Gaia and the Cosmos above.

You will be sitting in your own power as you connect deeply to who you are and the world around you. Light this candle when meditating to connect with Spirit and to open your powers of Intuition.

Infused with healing energy, flowers, and crystals this candle focuses on the Heart Space and up. Supporting you to remain open and to be a clear channel of communication; with yourself, others and Source.

Other uses: Light this candle during Oracle/Tarot Readings, Healing Sessions, Home/Office Clearings, Akashic Readings, and anywhere you are intuitively guided to do so.

I light this candle in all of my sessions and even when I'm having a relaxing day just reading a book.

Crystals inside: Amethyst + Black ObsidianKeep crystals after burning.

Candle has a 60 hour burn time. Please follow burning instructions.

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